This series (with a total of 5 parts to be posted throughout this week) is all about the products that have been my saving grace for the past month or so. I have been trying to regain some semblance to balance in my life, as a major breakout had greatly affected my self-esteem - let's face it, it happens - and going to work with a blotchy, acne-covered face seemed really painful and made me self-conscious.
You may recall my discovery of LUSH products, and I bought their Herbalism cleanser and two of their moisturizers (because even though I was (am) dealing with acne, my skin was peeling and immensely dry) Cosmetic Lad and Skin Drink. And while Herbalism seemed to be working at first, I found that the acne wasn't quite improving and it wasn't exfoliating nearly as much as I needed it to. And then I found La Roche-Posay's Effeclar Duo and everything kind of changed. I know the formula for the US version is not the same as the French version, and I can say it is a bit drying, but I found that nevertheless it saved me (doesn't stop me from asking my friend that's visiting Paris to bring me back the European version!). The skin started peeling around the acne, and with the addition of exfoliating with a boar brush (the one pictured above is for the body, but I didn't want to own up to the fact that I use a boar-bristled tooth brush to exfoliate my face! ah!) every few days, and adding serum and moisturizer to my routine at night, the spots have reduced extremely! I used the Lush Color Supplement to cover some of the remaining spots, but let's just say there is much less to cover now than before. Yay!