Hi, thank you for visiting InsertWTH!
My name is Denisse, 22, and I created Insert Witty Title Here, or InsertWTH, or IWTH, as an outlet for my creative juices. I just finished my bachelors in bioengineering, but I have always been interested in so many other topics as well, such as literature, art, fashion, food, and lately even a bit of beauty.

I share whatever I find interesting, from videos, thoughts, music, or photos that I have taken. Since I just recently graduated, I am hoping to fill this site with a more varied content! So I hope you enjoy what is here, and tune in for future adventures to come!

If you have any questions about the site or its content, feel free to email me at:

And find me on social media in:
Instagram: @MsDenbi
Twitter: @MsDenbi
Tumblr: InsertWTH