Midnight Rendezvous

The following isn't really a short story. And if it is, I suppose it is probably one of the shortest. It is, however, the beginning of a new venture I am trying out. Look forward to more literary pieces, as well as much more involvement in the site! Though I am busy with school, I decided I need to remember all the other activities that help me relax and enjoy myself! Hope you guy like it. Make sure to comment and let me know what you think.

"I keep thinking back to that night that never happened; back to the love that never was.

Had I been wilder, free of guilt and pride, I would have let you do more than hold my hand. Perhaps if you had looked at me with affection - if I had been able to see your desire - I would have collapsed under my desire to get close to you.

But I didn't. Admittedly, a part of me wishes I had. But I know that had I done it, that guilt and regret would have been far greater than the feelings I hold now. If you had loved me - and if I loved you - we would have found a way. But you don't; and I don't. So in the end, thank you at least for reminding me of how great my self-control is."