Burning the Midnight Oil--on Saturday

Summer 2011

Here's to thinking of warmer weather and summer vacation. With the forthcoming of the end of the semester, I cannot help but think of anything else except mid-May. No classes, no teachers, and an endless potential for new experiences. However, when I think back to past vacations, I find that all the excitement occurs at the very beginning, and the rest is spent wondering what to do with myself. What are we supposed to do with four months free of papers, exams, and deadlines? Working is obviously a possibility, but that in itself turns into a chore, a task. So you're not getting up at 6am to catch the train to go to class, but instead to go to work? Yeah, doesn't really change much.

Instead, I want to do something exciting with the summer. Sure, work will be there, but so will the hours after work, right? The weekends? Did we become a society that forgets about those? The other day I heard a man on the train talking about how he's working on weekends now. I was talking to a classmate who spends his weekend studying. Everyone is trying really hard-to earn a living, to prepare themselves for the future, etc-but what happens when the future comes and we're depressed and tired, and utterly bored with ourselves?

When did it become a bad thing to enjoy your life? Why do I feel guilty when I take time off to watch TV? Isn't there a way to find a happy balance between work and play?