The world keeps moving forward and it is ever-changing, and science continues to push ahead in directions we were not aware years ago that we could go. I think it's important for individuals in all fields of study to be relatively aware of what is going on in the world of science and engineering, because it is likely that those findings will affect every one of us.
Following the River
I came across this park by the Streeterville "neighborhood"--if that's what you call them, I'm not actually sure. Anyway, I actually love fountains; I think they bring such a nice break to concrete scenery. Which is why I tend to dislike this modern designs. For me, the design seems a bit cold and unattractive, and the color simply adds to the blandness of the skyscrapers. Can you tell I'm not a huge fan of a lot of modern design concepts?
A Visit to the Bahai Temple
Bahai Temple,
Here is the second set of pictures! On Sunday, we made a quick trip to the Bahai Temple, since it is such a beautiful building and my mom wanted to show it to my brother and his wife. The detail in the design of the temple is exquisite, with signs from all religions carved onto the entrance. According to the pamphlet, the Bahai faith believes that all religions worship the same god, and that they should be unified. There's also a bit about striving for world peace and for equality in the sexes and colors. Whether or not one agrees with their mission, we must give credit to the beauty in the building itself.
There are no pictures allowed inside, but here are some shots from the outside and from some of the surrounding area.
The Road North
road trips,
I have been neglecting the site. This weekend was rather hectic and eventful and while I have been meaning to post all the pictures from the mini trips we made, I admit all sorts of other distractions get in the way. But here they are! This trip was to Madison, WI. We decided to go up to Madison for the farmers market--which according to my mom is the most amazing one she has been too--but apparently the main attraction was an art fair. And when we did eventually find the farmers, they were packing up and ready to go. Either way, it was a nice little adventure!

Island Paradise
Whenever you travel, you have to keep your mind open to new experiences and possibilities. It is likely that you will meet people with different customs, ideas; as well as eat foods you are not used to eating, and weather you are not used to enduring. However, it is those differences that make travel beautiful and exciting. If we wanted the same experience, we would simply stay home.
There is a lot of criticism of Cuba from people who dislike its government and its politics. You will hear bad things from foreigners and from some Cubans themselves. However, visiting Cuba for me isn't about the politics. It's about the family I still have there and the inevitable adventures that ensue from traveling there.